Raceboard Worlds 2012

Termín závodu Raceboard Worlds 2012 ve Finsku je 11-16.6.2012. Konečný termín pro přihlašování je 23. leden 2012, proto neotálejte. Pro více informací čtete dále:

The 2012 Raceboard Worlds will be held from 11th to 16th June 2012

at Yyteri Beach, nr Pori, Finland, home of the 2011 Raceboard Europeans.

Starboard are supplying boards and rigs for charter:

If you wish to charter please apply NOW – do not delay!  

The deadline for an application, to be made to IWA Office, is January 23rd 2012.

Any application received by that date – and accepted –

will require the payment of a deposit, to reserve the equipment, by January 31st.

The deposit for hull only is 200 euro; for rig it is 100 euro.
There will be following equipment available:
15 x Boards (Phantom 377)
7 x 9.5 Rigs (Severne)
3 x 8.5 Rigs (Severne)

Fee for board, 350 EUR if confirmed before end of January. After Jan 450 EUR.
Fee for rig, 200 EUR if confirmed before end of January. After Jan 250 EUR.

Some useful competition links:

Notice of Race: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/

Event Website: http://www.purjelautaliitto.fi/EN/Raceboard_Worlds_2012
Raceboard Event Page: http://www.purjelautaliitto.fi/EN/Raceboard_Worlds_2012

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